A dynasty trust is a long-term trust created to pass wealth from generation to generation without incurring transfer taxes such as estate and gift tax.
The defining characteristic of a dynasty trust is its term; it can survive for 21 years after the death of the last beneficiary who was alive when the trust was set up, and it can theoretically last for more than 100 years.
The beneficiaries of a dynasty trust are usually the Grantor’s children. After the death of the last child, the Grantor’s grandchildren or great-grandchildren generally become the beneficiaries.
The trust’s operation is controlled by the Trustee who is appointed by the Grantor. The dynasty trust is irrevocable, which means that once it is funded, the Grantor does not have any control over the assets and is not permitted to amend the terms of the Trust.
I can help you with your estate planning needs. Please contact me at 203-544-9945, or beth@eedwardslaw.com.