The Connecticut Senate and the House of Representatives recently enacted Senate Bill No. 320 – An Act Concerning Real Estate Closings – which prohibits any person from conducting a real estate closing who is not admitted as an attorney in the State of Connecticut.
For the purposes of this legislation, “real estate closing” means a closing for (1) a mortgage loan transaction to be secured by real property in Connecticut, other than a home equity line of credit or other loan transaction that does not involve issuance of a lender’s or mortgagee’s title insurance policy, or (2) any transaction to effectuate a change in the ownership of Connecticut real property, wherein consideration is paid by a party to such transaction.
The bill also provides that persons who violate this legislation shall be guilty of a Class C Misdemeanor and subject to any other penalties under Connecticut General Statues §51-88, Practice of Law by Persons not Attorneys.
If you need assistance buying, selling or refinancing your home, I can help you through the process. Please contact the Law Offices of Elizabeth A. Edwards (203) 544-9945 or