A parent’s obligation to support their children is on ongoing responsibility, even after divorce.
Couples with minor children who divorce, have an obligation to continue to support their children according to their respective abilities. This obligation continues until such time as each child completes the twelfth grade or attains the age of nineteen whichever occurs first.
Parents may also be required to support a child with a mental or physical disability, if the child resides with them and is principally dependent upon them, until such child attains the age of twenty-one.
In determining whether a child is in need of maintenance and the amount of such maintenance the court considers the following factors: age, health, station, occupation, earning capacity, amount and sources of income, estate, vocational skills and employability of each of the parents, and the age, health, station, occupation, educational status and expectation, amount and sources of income, vocational skills, employability, estate and needs of the child.
A child support order may also require parents to provide health insurance coverage for their children provided the cost is reasonable.
The court may make and enforce an order for child support that it considers just, however, the state has published Child Support Guidelines which are presumed reasonable.
My expertise can help you achieve the best results for you and your family. For more information contact me at (203) 544-9945 or beth@eedwardslaw.com.