*Written by My Collaborative Team member, Laura S. Blackman, Boca Raton, Florida.
Are you are contemplating divorce but worried about spending all of your marital assets on attorney’s fees? Are you fearful for your financial future? Are you sad at the loss of your family unit and worry about destroying your family in the process of a publicly litigated divorce? Do you want privacy for your financial and family affairs during your divorce? Do you feel there is a power imbalance between you and your spouse? If you answered yes to any of these questions and wish to control your own destiny by breaking the cycle of conflict, you should learn more about Collaborative Divorce.
Collaborative Divorce is a cost- effective, voluntary process that can minimize the impact of conflict on you and your children. Both husband and wife are represented by collaboratively trained Collaborative Attorneys who work together to help you and your spouse reach joint decisions that are necessary to dissolve your marriage without the financial and emotional cost that usually occurs during protracted litigation. You are in control of your own destiny and you define your mutual and separate goals, interests and needs with the help of a Collaborative Divorce Team. This allows you and your spouse to develop creative ways to stay out of the courtroom and still negotiate a fair, equitable and private divorce settlement.
Divorce can be a destructive process. Did you know that only 10 percent of divorce cases go to trial? Yet, even so, a significant number of litigated divorce cases have numerous motions, hearings and depositions which dramatically increase attorney fees and costs thereby reducing the marital assets available for the family. Collaborative Divorce is a voluntary process and either party can leave if they want. However, 90% of cases that start collaboratively remain collaborative until final judgment.
Collaborative Divorce is a healthier process for you and your children. Your Collaborative Team will consist of collaboratively trained professionals who support you emotionally and legally, and guide and inform you financially through the divorce process. You are in control, not a Judge. You make those critically important long-lasting decisions for you and your family. The result is a legally binding divorce, which dissolve your marriage and resolve all issues pertaining to your family.
The Collaborative Process preserves your privacy and your dignity while giving you the power to resolve your divorce issues respectfully without destroying your family. If you are contemplating divorce and wish to avoid stressful and expensive court battles, focus on protecting the well-being and needs of your children and make your own decisions about your family and your future, the Collaborative Divorce process may be a perfect fit for you and your family.
As a Collaborative Divorce Attorney, I can help you avoid a traumatizing, litigated divorce, protect you and your family, and control how you go through the divorce process and afterward. My expertise can help you achieve the best results for you and your family. For more information, please contact me at: 203-544-9945 or Beth@eedwardslaw.com.
*Laura S. Blackman, Esq., Law Offices of Laura S. Blackman, P.A., 6971 N. Federal Highway, Suite 105, Boca Raton, Florida. She is a marital and family attorney who is also trained in Collaborative Family Law and serves Palm Beach County and Broward County. 561-995-5960 www.bocaratonfldivorcelawyer.com