It’s Divorce With Respect Week in California! Unfortunately, Connecticut does not yet have an Official Divorce With Respect Week, but every week is important in providing you with a divorce process that is respectful and effective. Collaborative Divorce is that process.
Divorce is a complicated process. It has legal and financial ramifications. It also has emotional ramifications, for you and for your children. “Children are like cement; everything that falls on them leaves an impression.” (Dr. Haim Ginott, World Acclaimed Child Psychologist). Children report that the news of their parents impending divorce and how their parents divorced made a lasting impression on them, even into their adulthood. Most parents want to prevent emotional and psychological damage to their children during and after divorce but often do not know how to do so. When parents are caught up in the “battle” of divorce, their children are caught in the middle, drawn into taking sides, and they suffer. Children cannot deal with these adult situations and cannot process the overwhelming emotions that arise in a “win-lose” divorce.
Collaborative Divorce allows you to be your highest and best self during the stress of divorce. You learn how to work together with your spouse, not fight against each other. You learn how to keep your children at the center, not in the middle of your divorce. You learn to understand the importance of your children feeling safe and secure to love both parents. And you learn that respectful coparenting with effective communication skills avoids the common mistakes that can scar your children.
Collaborative Divorce utilizes a team approach to the divorce process. Collaborative Divorce professional teams include a Neutral Child Specialist, or coach; a Neutral Financial Specialist, or facilitator; and two Collaborative attorneys. The Child specialist, helps you reach an agreement on raising your children, and helps you see how your actions during the divorce impact your children. The Child Specialist helps you manage your divorce distress and minimize the impact on your children.
The benefits of Collaborative Divorce continue even after the divorce is concluded. You come out of the Collaborative Divorce Process, with agreements in place that you created together. This sets the foundation for how you move forward with your new family structure. You established expectations, and if, in the future, you run into unforeseen issues or new problems, you have the resources to address those issues. You can communicate with each other because you’ve established a foundation and ground rules for how to have productive co-parenting communication and how to maintain a respectful relationship in a new format. Many exes go on to have a positive relationship with each other. At a minimum, you can be in the same room together, and be part of future family celebrations.
My expertise can help you achieve the best results for you and your family. For more information contact me at 203-544-9945 or beth@eedwardslaw.com.