Electronic Spying in Divorce: What’s Legal in the Digital World?
It’s an increasingly familiar dilemma in contentious divorce cases these days: Clients procure potentially significant evidence, a virtual smoking gun. However, if obtained through telephone interception, spyware, GPS trackers, smartphones, webcams, or unauthorized use of social media accounts, there are inherent legal hurdles involved in handling such information. Can the evidence be used? Has federal or state law been violated? Will the Fifth Amendment need to be invoked if a deposition is taken? When potentially illegally obtained evidence is involved, there are legal and ethical implications involved for the attorney and the client.
As an experienced Divorce Attorney, trained in Collaborative Divorce and Mediation, I can help you choose peace instead of war, avoid traumatizing, contentious courtroom divorces, and protect you and your family from such animosity as you go through the divorce process and afterward.
My expertise can help you achieve the best results for you and your family. For more information, please contact me at: 203-544-9945 or Beth@eedwardslaw.com.