Relocation can be one of the trickiest issues to deal with in family matters. Frequently after the parties are divorced and the issues of custody and parenting have been decided, one party has a change of circumstances which necessitates he/she move with the child(ren) to another town or another state. When this happens, it can create havoc with the previously established custody arrangement and parenting schedule.
When relocation would have a significant impact on the existing parenting plan, the parent seeking to relocate will bear the burden of proving that the relocation is (1) for a legitimate purpose, (2) reasonable in light of such purpose, and (3) in the best interests of the child(ren).
In determining whether to approve the relocation of the child(ren), the court will consider, but is not limited to, the following:
- Each parent’s reasons for seeking or opposing relocation
- The quality of the relationship between the child and each parent
- The impact of the relocation on the quantity and the quality of the child’s future contact with the non-relocating parent
- The degree to which the relocating parent’s and the child’s life may be enhanced economically, emotionally and educationally by the relocation
- The feasibility of preserving the relationship between the non-relocating parent and the child through suitable visitation arrangements
My expertise can help you achieve the best results for you and your family. For more
information please contact me at: 203-544-9945 or